Monday, November 16, 2009

WHEW! What a week last week here are all of the things I did not do last goes....

I did not almost forget to pay my cell phone bill after setting myself several reminders ON the my phone calendar and leaving myself sticky note reminders...of course, I didn't!

I did not eat 2 pieces of apple pie Sunday and even if I did, I would NOT have put vanilla ice cream ontop of the pie...That would completely undo all of the healthy eating I did do last of course I did NOT do that! duh!

I did not bribe my sweet angel to take a nap yesterday by saying "Santa won't come see you if you don't" because I was so exhausted...WHAT kind of mom does that? So I absolutely DID NOT do that!

I did not wash my hair with baby body wash because I got in the shower before I checked to see if my shampoo was in there. UGH! Of course I wouldn't do that because what's the point in me even washing my hair if I'm going to use baby body wash?

Of course I did not do any of those things last week!!