Friday, November 13, 2009

Ordinary Miracle

I have had many comments on my blog song, "Ordinary Miracle" by Sarah McLachlan. I heard this song through my dear friend, Cristin, who I must say has the most adorable baby, Avery! I know she put the song on her blog for her son and when I heard it, I fell in love with it!

This song makes me realize just how big of a miracle the ordinary things are!

I woke up this morning with my health...Thank you God for this Miracle!

I woke up with a healthy, happy husband and baby girl! Thank you for this Miracle!

The sun is shining, leaves are falling and are the most beautiful colors! Thank you for this ordinary Miracle!

The things we take for granted many times are the ordinary miracles in our daily lives.

How many times do we actually take the time to observe nature and all the beauty that surrounds us?

Look around and embrace all of the Ordinary Miracles in your life.

"Life is a gift they say, wrapped up for you everyday...."


  1. Friends are ordinary miracles too!

    I thank God everyday for you!!!!

  2. Aw! Thanks sweetie!! I thank him for you too!!!! :)
