Monday, November 8, 2010


I know I have neglected my blog...YET AGAIN, however, in my defense, I have been faced with circumstances lately that have me
Everything is going well with Baby Powell. I have 18 weeks left. I still get sick several times a day (most days) but I have my energy back! YES!
A day without nausea is so exciting for me! We do not know the baby's gender because apparently it's stubborn like its daddy :) he he! Shh....don't tell him I said that!

Matt and I were recently faced with a huge situation. I don't want to say what that situation is right now, maybe in the near future, but we are all healthy and we know with the Lord's guidance we can overcome this.
We never think about how we can have it all one day and the next things can be the total opposite. Be thankful every minute of everyday for everything you have! It isn't until something is snatched from us that we realize how much we had or for us...we see how much we do have!
This is an unsettling time for us, so we can use a lot of prayers! Thank God the good Lord never neglects us, like I have my blog! I apologize again and promise to try to do better!