Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Ice Cream Truck

Who would have thought that the ice cream truck could bring such a sweet moment between a mother and daughter?

This evening (actually about 15 minutes ago) I heard music that I have been hearing for's the music from an ice cream truck. My husband and I have both tried many times to track him down but we were not sucessful. I think he goes everywhere in Ocilla, but here.

So when I heard it so close I grabbed my wallet and Sydney and darted out the door! There he was! I walked Sydney up to the truck and she picked out a spongebob ice cream (of course). This spongebob ice cream cost me $2.50 but it was worth EVERY penny...or dollar!
The look on her face was priceless, you would have thought she had won the lottery...(that is, if she knew about the lottery.) So with all the hustle and bustle today with the daycare, house cleaning, cooking and school work, Sydney and I had a moment that I will cherish forever.

When my husband and I met, one thing that made me fall in love with him is that he and I both agree that life is about the small things. If you don't have the small things in life, how can you ever expect to have the big things? I am happy to say that my life is filled with the small things...a house filled with love and I am surrounded by caring people. I also just got a sticky, spongebob ice cream kiss....what more can a mom ask for? Now THAT is the "bestest!!!" :)

So I hope you reflect on all of the small things in life tonight so that you can see the bigger things that surround you!

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