Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Life is good today

Yesterday was a great day. I woke up and was blessed to have another day on earth. I spent the day playing with Sydney and of course cleaning. (Apparently the cleaning fairy had flown over my house the day before.) We talked about "Tristmas" and Santa and how excited she is for Christmas to get here. Every toy commercial that came on TV, she would say, "I want that mama!" I heard that phrase at least 50 times and that is no exaggeration!

My husband is only home one whole day out of a week (Sunday's) and his only night off is Tuesday nights. Instead of catching up on sleep or something he wanted to do, he came in and did 3 loads of laundry, helped me wash dishes, swept the floor under Sydney's chair and dusted our bedroom ceiling fan! What a sweet and giving husband I was blessed with!

Now let me take you back to when we were washing dishes. His job was to clear the table and dry the clean dishes off and put them away. When I turned my back for a second to check on Sydney, I turned around to a BIG surprise! HE SQUIRTED ME WITH THE SINK HOSE! I decided to play cool and act a bit frustrated so he wouldn't have any hints that I would do the same to him. After we finished the dishes I was cleaning the sink and picked up the hose and took revenge!!

My Prince then dried up the floor, hugged me and said, "Now that was fun!" Then he got a cup and put some water in it and drank some. I didn't think anything about it until out of the blue the water was all over me! I was drenched! We laughed so hard until I thought I would cry!
This is one of the "little" things Matt and I believe makes a big difference in relationships! Who knew a kitchen water fight could be so much fun?! The floor was soaked (so was I)and it took many towels to get all the water up, but that is ok, because we had such a good time!

The little things in life are the sweetest things. I won't ever forget our kitchen water fight!

Life is good today

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