Saturday, July 17, 2010

A new journey...A NEW BABY!

I feel terrible for neglecting my blog for SOOOO long. Needless to say, school has taken over my life!! About 2 weeks ago I woke up feeling "funny..." that's the best word for it. I knew something wasn't just right. Pregnancy was the LAST thing on my mind. However, as I began to feel nauseated, my girls upstairs began to hurt terribly and my sense of smell was heightened, I began to suspect a baby! I took many tests and they were all negative, then I began getting very faint lines on them to suspect them being positive. I have gone through SO many pregnancy tests this month, it is ridiculous! A few days later I got a negative and then a definite positive. I was so confused and frustrated. So I called my Dr and he didn't want to see me til I was late for my wonderful monthly gift...ugh. So the anticipation grew along with my nausea! I can't stand the smell of our sweet yellow lab puppy, I can't stand the smell of charocal, I can't stand the smell of my own hairspray anymore!!! So I am sure you can understand my frustration with knowing, but not knowing!??!
Yesterday, on the verge of pulling all my hair out, I bought another (couple...ok...ahem.. 4) boxes of tests. They were all surely positive! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!

So, I have a Dr's appointment coming up. We are praying for a healthy pregnancy, but trusting God's will with this sweet blessing! I had a miscarriage last March, so I am very nervous, but I am trying to stay positive! Pray for us as we open a new chapter in our lives.

Brittany...this one was for you! :)


  1. Hey love,

    no you did not miss my deadline! Go ahead and submit an order for and I'll fit you in as soon as possible!

    so glad to see you blogging again!

    congrats on the baby!
